MKM Tools T3D Large Double Ended Throwing Tool From £35.62

29380MKMT3DIn Stock
RRP £39.58
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MKM Ultimate Throwing Sticks are designed for use in narrowmouthed forms such as bottles, glasses, and tall vases, where the mouth of thevessel is narrower than the width of the thrower's hand, or where the curve ofthe stick works better than a rigid and straight forearm. The curve allowsthese throwing sticks to hook under the shoulder of a vessel. The rib at theend of the throwing stick allows for a minimum of torque on the wall of the vesselwhen the stick is being used.

The differently shaped ribs at each end of the double-endedthrowing sticks allow them to be used on different parts of the vessel, withthe longer and narrower rib being used to shape and lift the shoulder of avessel, and the half-circle rib being used to push out the walls. The screwattachment for each rib allows the ribs to be oriented according to the user'spreference, or to be changed out for a different rib altogether. However, it isimportant for the ribs to be tightly fastened to the handles while in use.

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