Here in the Scarva laboratory we havedeveloped an exciting new range of crackle glazes.Introducing Nano Crazy Crackle Glazes, this range of 18 brush-on glazes areunlike anything currently on the market in terms of their vibrancy, stabilityand firing range. The most exciting quality of these glazes is how wellthe colour develops within the glaze, giving vibrant colours not seen on themarket before. The glazes are both lead and barium free and contain no othermaterials deemed hazardous.
These glazes have beendeveloped to have an exceptional firing range; we have experimented extensivelywith the firing and found them to fire consistently between 1040°C - 1100°Cwith excellent stability. Unlike many other crackles glazes currently on themarket these will not run at higher temperatures allowing for more strength todevelop within the clay body.
For best results apply 3 coats of brush on glaze, allowing time to dry between each application.