Scarva Earthstone ES5 20% Original White Clay (20% Grogged) From £26.95

Código del productoCódigo de la piezaNivel de existenciasTamaño/ColorPrecioBolsaFavoritos
17988ES5/20/12/5KGEn existencias12.5kg - 1 Bag
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17989ES5/20/25KGEn existencias25kg - 2 Bags
PMR £53.90
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17990ES5/20/50KGEn existencias50kg - 4 Bags
PMR £107.80
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17991ES5/20/100KGEn existencias100kg - 8 Bags
PMR £215.60
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17992ES5/20/250KGEn existencias250kg - 20 Bags
PMR £539.00
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17993ES5/20/500KGEn existencias500kg - 40 Bags
PMR £1078.00
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1000kg - 80 Bags
PMR £2156.00
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ES5 Original White 20% Grogged
Firing Temperature 1180°C - 1290°C

Earthstone Original White 20% Grogged is made to the same recipe as ES5 Earthstone Original with the addition of 20% fine molochite. This makes it highly resistant to warping and cracking and also to thermal shock. This body is ideal for handbuilding, slab building and throwing larger pieces. It has excellent glaze fit when used with a suitable Nano glaze.


  • Highly resistant to warping and cracking
  • Excellent for handbuilding, slab building and throwing large pieces
  • Great thermal shock properties
  • Excellent glaze fit
  • Available in 12.5kg bags
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