Scarva Easy Cut Lino From  £1.42

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3.00 out of 5 stars
Rowanne de United KingdomPropriétaire12 August 2016 18:34
(I'm just pasting the email I had sent to scarva, just to be fair and clear to other potential buyers, "no aggro")
I have a small ('small' being an extremely apt descriptor) issue regarding my soft cut lino order I received (Order ID 29537). Whilst the online sizes state a plate of 400 x 300mm (a measurement I had drawn the work for - every mm counts), my plates measures shy at 397 x 299. With a deadline looming and seeing as I would lose money returning the plates anyway, I'm just going to work around it (it's a tiny set back, but an unexpected set back nonetheless).
I thought you ought to know and hope this may be an anomaly with stock, or if not, that it may be an indicator to be more accurate with the sizes online.
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