
If you decide that the product you purchased from us is not exactly what you were looking for, or is the wrong size, there is no problem returning it to us.

We will accept products back for exchange or a full refund as long as it is in its original packaging, receipt and the product itself unused. We cannot refund postage. If it should be necessary to return goods, a request should be made in writing stating the order number, the quantity and description of the goods and the reason for the proposed return. No shipment should be made until written authorisation is received.

We ask that items being returned are done so within 30 days of receipt and accompanied with a letter explaining the reason for the return, and the position of the fault.

Remember, before purchase, if in any doubt about size, colour or suitability of a product, you can email us with any queries about all of our products. Our highly knowledgeable staff will respond to emails quickly within working hours.


Loss or Damage in Transit

Where goods are supplied on carriage paid terms we will replace or at our option and at our expense make good any time or part thereof, lost or damaged in transit provided that:

  • In the case of non-delivery within 14 days of dispatch, the customer gives notice to us in writing.
  • In the case of damage of goods the carriers receipt should be endorsed appropriately and the customer must give notice to us in writing within 3 days of receipt, stating the nature of the damage and if so required by us, return the damaged item or part at customers risk and expense in which we undertake subject to our prior approval of the carrier, to reimburse the cost of carriage. If we are not so advised within 3 days of receipt of goods, we cannot accept liability for damage to the goods.

Please contact the Scarva Team

Please send return goods to:

Scarva Returns Department,
Unit 20 Scarva Road Industrial Estate,
Scarva Road, Banbridge, Co Down
Northern Ireland BT32 3QD