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Marx Menders High Fire Magic Mender £14.93
MARX AZTEC HIGH FIRE MENDER is the high fire version of MAGIC MENDER. MARX AZTEC HIGH FIRE MENDER is recommended for porcelain,pottery, stoneware and clay. It is recommended for repairs, add-ons, attaching flowers, ribbons etc. It repairs broken pieces, fixes hairline cracks, attaches greenware to greenware, attaches greenware to bisque, attaches bisque to bisque. It removes hard spots. It acts like wood putty for larger are fill-ins. USING MARX MENDER
High Fire Mender is designed to be mixed with slip or clayas desired. Clean off excess High-Fire Mender before firing. Fire at the temperature recommended for the slip or clay that was mixed with the Hi-Fire Mender. Make sure that the mender is completely dry before firing. Hi-Fire Mender must be fired to become permanent. MANY USESINSTRUCTIONS for using High- Fire Mender:
HELPFUL HINTS: While the mender is still moist the joint will be fairly delicate, so be careful when cleaning the piece. These Menders MUST be fired to become permanent. Keep jars tightly closed. These menders have a long shelf life and will not spoil. After firing, the repaired area is stronger than the rest of the piece. If you clean well before firing you'll never know the break was there. HARD SPOTS: Apply a thin smooth coat of mender over the area.
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